Design Actions & Possibilities


 Blog Post 8 – Reflecting & Directing findings from the brainstorm

By Jade Grayson

Examining my issue further, I have determined that social action is the way in which I intend to conceive my concept. I want to generate a response in exposing and tackling my issue in a particular area, something that was identified as being explicitly linked to social action earlier in the semester. A key notion I verified through my design probe was that the way in which privacy content is presented is confusing to the user.

In generating design possibilities for my project I have selected my main intention and design question “how might anyone who uses the Internet increase their awareness of how and why their data is collected so that they feel as sense of assurance and clarity” I feel that there are two main components that I need to address in my social action. Firstly I need to create awareness, and I intend to do this through the exploitation of their fear around the issue. This will show that there is a lack of transparency and understanding, ultimately increasing desire for understanding as well as interest into how and why their data is collected. I want to then harness this interest in order to create clarity, bring about awareness, and to achieve assurance in the public.

In order to achieve this I have developed some design actions that I can use as a starting point. Ultimately I want to emphasise an existing issue in order to inspire a change in perspective.IMG_2699IMG_2698

Exploiting Fear Inspiring Action
  • I am intrigued by the idea of making what is already available – Public.
  • Using existing ‘free’ data in new context
  • Individuals receiving personal information on their devices
  • Need to identify biggest fear for users – is it location based, access to emails/messages, predictions
  • Presenting information in a way that isn’t as confusing
  • Creating a visual way for people to understand terms and conditions

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