Draft Design Proposition


 Blog Post 9 – Draft Proposition & Brief

By Jade Grayson

Draft Proposition
I have chosen to pursue a social action avenue for the realisation of my design concept. This is primarily because I want to disrupt the current understanding of data collection and expose this issue in a way that the public can actively participate. The issue that I am addressing is the lack of transparency present in the exchange between users of the Internet and companies collecting the data. Moreover how and why their data is collected. Currently there is little understanding around this issue, and through my research I have established that users are often confronted with a sense of confusion, and this makes them feel like they are in the dark. I want to bring about change in the way that this relationship is constructed. I aim to make users feel a sense of assurance through increased transparency and understanding. In creating clarity in this exchange, I hope to bring about awareness so that ultimately users feel that they are in control of their sharing online. The design action I will implement in order to support this change is largely connected to the emotional side of this fundamentally one-sided exchange of information. I intend to exploit the fear and confusion of Internet users and then use this attention to increase their interest in how and why their data is collected.

Draft Brief
The way in which I intend to realise my proposition lies predominately in the digital landscape. I will possibly draw upon mobile media to bring about a sense of fear and give shock value. Alternatively I will use public spaces e.g. digital billboards to convey a way privacy can be violated, based on existing available data, or the type of information companies would have on an individual. By putting this personal information in a new context, I hope that users will have an increased interest in the issue and reconsider the perspective that ‘no-one cares about my personal information’. I then intend to harness this interest and demonstrate privacy laws in a visually simple way so that there is an increase in understanding. As this issue exists in the online digital sphere, I will use this as my platform for communication. I want to increase transparency and simplify information around the issue of online privacy so that people feel a sense of awareness of why and how their data is collected. I feel that by generating an element of shock, not by violating any exiting laws or restrictions, just using personal data in the way companies are known to use it, individuals will feel an eagerness for education and understanding. I want to compliment this element of fear with a way to assist their understanding. In an engaging and simple way, perhaps through an app, I want people to have access to clear facts. I may not be able to change privacy laws but I aim to open up the relationship and transparency between users and online data collection companies.

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